Adam was the first man God created but Eve was special because she was created from a part of Adam's body.
Today we see women are still being ill treated ,they are subjects of torture, crime, exploitation and inhuman actions by them Men who are suppose to be taking care of them women ,who are suppose to protect not rape, care not assault, give love not violence, women protest but they are always unheard.She puts up with all of his curses n sinful words all because she is a WOMAN.

.... Because she is a woman she endured your rage and anger, she took care of your demands and served you even at midnight ,she stayed awake waiting for you, she smiles even wen u hurt her.She was beaten and thrown around all because she was a woman , her freedom was taken away.. from a princes at her home she was made a slave at yours, because she is a woman she was raped n her heart was broken, she was laughed at when she spoke boldly all because she is a woman, his mascular fist on her tender cheek tore her soul apart... BUT she stayed silent all because SHE IS A WOMAN.
But here's the thing you ought to know...Because she is a women she holds her head high, she fights and stand for herself, and because she is a women HE will have to answer her one day. She will now have her career and have a successful life, she will be happy n start to BELIEVE in her dreams again, her mere presence made his building a home..she'll be a proud daughter again and rule the world in a way only a women can mold. She'll laugh again, she'll sing, she'll start to live for herself n yes she will return his fist. Without her a family is never complete ...a family without prayer, a family without guardian angel. Do you even know what it takes to be a woman?
She prays with tears ,to God she is very dear. God hears her and "He counts her tears"....
She is the reason for your existence today... u breathe now because she bore you.
. And from his rib she was made but from her womb n her pain she created a human race ... ALL BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN.... this is what it takes to be a Woman.
~~~To all women who are strong, to all who BELIEVE in their dreams, to all who knows they can rule the world~~
(and to men no pun intended)
Today we see women are still being ill treated ,they are subjects of torture, crime, exploitation and inhuman actions by them Men who are suppose to be taking care of them women ,who are suppose to protect not rape, care not assault, give love not violence, women protest but they are always unheard.She puts up with all of his curses n sinful words all because she is a WOMAN.

.... Because she is a woman she endured your rage and anger, she took care of your demands and served you even at midnight ,she stayed awake waiting for you, she smiles even wen u hurt her.She was beaten and thrown around all because she was a woman , her freedom was taken away.. from a princes at her home she was made a slave at yours, because she is a woman she was raped n her heart was broken, she was laughed at when she spoke boldly all because she is a woman, his mascular fist on her tender cheek tore her soul apart... BUT she stayed silent all because SHE IS A WOMAN.
But here's the thing you ought to know...Because she is a women she holds her head high, she fights and stand for herself, and because she is a women HE will have to answer her one day. She will now have her career and have a successful life, she will be happy n start to BELIEVE in her dreams again, her mere presence made his building a home..she'll be a proud daughter again and rule the world in a way only a women can mold. She'll laugh again, she'll sing, she'll start to live for herself n yes she will return his fist. Without her a family is never complete ...a family without prayer, a family without guardian angel. Do you even know what it takes to be a woman?
She prays with tears ,to God she is very dear. God hears her and "He counts her tears"....
She is the reason for your existence today... u breathe now because she bore you.
. And from his rib she was made but from her womb n her pain she created a human race ... ALL BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN.... this is what it takes to be a Woman.
~~~To all women who are strong, to all who BELIEVE in their dreams, to all who knows they can rule the world~~
(and to men no pun intended)